Monday, July 16, 2018

Dear Michael - 19th June 1969

Just a few lines for your birthday. Hope you have a nice one! Your father sent the £1.0.0. I will be getting you a present for when you come home, which should not be very long, will it? perhaps you can write back and give me some idea what you want, sweater? firt? record? anyway let me know. Things are about the same here, nothing changes. Am looking forward to seeing you again, it's so long since you were last home, or so it seems! Expect you could do with the change of scenery. Hope your hair is not waist length, else they will never have you ate Ilfords. Iris is thinking of getting married again, guess who too, Nod! There's a laugh! Uncle Nod, hows that. Write and say when you will be home. Look after yourself. Love Mum xxx

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